
2014年11月24日 星期一

[Android] Set proper JDK on Mac

Got a error on Android Studio, it said that it need JDK7.

Found that: if you install java8 update25, which is the newest Java update on Mac, the default JDK is 6 not 7.

official info:

But the Android studio default recommend JDK version is 7.

So you need to download the JDK7 from here:

1.Open the dmg, and install.

2.In your android studio, go to File> Project Structure> SDK Location

3.In "JDK location" click on browse and go to /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_60.jdk/Contents/Home
(Note :- Its Not /System/Library it's /Library)

4. apply, then ok!

